For the world of Clocktopia!
For the universe of Newgrounds!
For the world of Clocktopia!
For the universe of Newgrounds!
Amen masked avenger, amen.
Well made! Funny sound effects, enough options, and I saw some FbF in there too. Good work.
You cannot kill OrangeClock
You cannot kill StrawberryClock
You cannot kill WatermelonClock
You cannot kill PineappleClock
You cannot kill PepsiClock
I CAN kill StrawberryClock
I CAN Kill WatermelonClock
I CAN kill PineappleClock
I CAN kill Pepsi CLock
I mean I eat and drink them every day. I think it issen't that hard to beat some foot with a clock on it... :S
Teh fnu fnu. Looked cool, but I would've edited lasergun's voice a little. It's hiss was a bit obvious.
Yes, I'm working on it. I process my voice (and Plasmagun's) with soundforge, and I'm testing the different effects to find a way to correct this trouble...
Or I'll never say "SSSECKSEY !" in any of my movies.
Ooo, I gotta get me one of those.
damn straight!
Sweet as can be.
I laughed so hard at your facial expression during the "town hall" clip, too. ROFFELS!
It's great. And hey, you got FightClub in there, nonthtless. This deserves a FIFEN either way, and thou shallt receive.
Happy clockday!
Kekekeke! ^___^
Mwuhahaha foamy being chased by a gun-slinging madclock. Greatness.
i loved yer clockday movie!
fewelish senior clocks! <3
After staying up all night.. literally.. to work on the coding for my flash game (and still not getting it right ffs) I am too tired and braindead to leave an intelligent review. I'll just say:
All anti-clocks who view the Crew as 'dumb', watch this movie. It's a good template.
I just hope you will get your game up and running, Archon. It's a damn shame. Maybe when your brains have left the 'pudding'-state will you be more succesfull. Thanks for the kind words, and a happy Clock Day to you too.
Well, let's see now. I've seen the whole thing, and you've.. well, you've got a smirk out of me. That's all. For the rest, it was a simple movieclip with alternate sounds, most've which were either boring, unoriginal, predictable or plain strange. You didn't even put enough effort in this to get a girl for the female voices.
In comparison to other Flash artists, you're a thief, and an audio artist to say the very least. For the rest, this movie sucks Tricky's nutsack.
it was actually good,you were probably watching something else,right?
You are incapable of understanding the sheer power of that which is B.
Age 41, Male
Citadel of Adun
ClockCrew Main HQ
Joined on 1/3/03